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節約志向強まる中、オフィス街のランチは、持ち帰り弁当が人気。 安くて、早いのがいい。麹町の弁当は、コンビニ中心だが、車で売りに来るのもあり、200食くらいがあっという間に売れている。新潟のオーシャンシステムという会社が、「こしひかり弁当」というブランドで、こしひかりを使用しながら300円台のお値打ち弁当を丸の内あたりで売って超人気。オフィス弁当ケータリングで有名な玉子屋は、1日6万8千食も売るそうな!

秋葉原、つぶれた惣菜屋跡にできたのは、Hotto Motto。厨房を持たず、近くの厨房付き店舗から保温容器に入れ、運んできていた。こういうサテライトが増えていくのだろう。そういえば、定食業態のフクラ家、定食業態に加えて、持ち帰り惣菜を販売している。


~ Hot ! Office Lunch Box ~ Thrift on the background of tough economy has made lunch boxes much more popular. We value their lower price - they are speedier and cheaper than restaurants

Around my office the vending car is so popular that 200 lunch boxes are sold out in a moment. The Ocean System Co. sells valuable lunch boxes at just over 300 yen,cooked with Koshihikari rice in the office area, for example in Marunouchi or Shinbashi. On the other hand, Tamagoya Co. which is famous for lunch catering for offices, sells 68 thousand boxes a day !

In Akihabara, a store of Hotto Motto, a chain of lunch box, was opened. They sell lunch boxes outside the kitchen. They sell the lunch boxes which are hot, and are brought from the other store which has a kitchen. Such sattelite stores are increasing. Talking of Hotto Motto, their competitor opened Fukura-ya that sells lunches to go with a style of restaurant.

The potential market is still there for lunch in the office. By the way, in some offices the lunch box is not permitted to be brought into the office because of the waste, that are created by the used containers. The new problems have occured concerning office lunch boxes. These may bring us big oppotunities !






2009年02月06日 09:11に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


